Don’t use these symbols in online content as they don’t work with all browsers:
• Ampersands: Spell out “and” instead.
Best Storage Ideas for Kitchens and Baths
• Fractions: Use full-size numbers with slashes and hyphens.
1-1/2 instead of 1 ½
1/4 instead of ¼
• Letters with accents and tildes: Use regular letters.
decor instead of décor
• Copyright and trademark symbols: Use (c), (R), or (TM).
• Em dash, en dash: Instead, for an em dash use “space hyphen hyphen space”; for an en dash use a hyphen.
• Left/right quotation marks (“”): Use straight quotes.
• Dimension X: Use regular lowercase x.
4×6-inch photo
• Degree symbol: Use the word degrees or degrees Fahrenheit (or Celsius).
• Bullets: Don’t use on slideshows.
Electronic newsletters
While e-newsletters don’t display on browsers, for consistency follow the instructions above for e-newsletter content, too.
• Ampersands are the exception; they can be used in e-newsletters. Please be consistent in use throughout each e-newsletter. (clarified 9.29.14)