Trademark/Copyright: Trademarks I

March 17, 2005: Issue 83

SIM Style: Trademark Training, Part One

We use ™ or ® on Meredith products but no others. Use ™ or ® the first time a title is mentioned in body copy; omit it in later references, in headlines, and in mailing addresses. (In editor’s letters, however, put the ™ or ® in the reference under the editor’s signature, rather than in body copy.)

The ™ notation means we are seeking or plan to seek trademark protection for that title. The ® notation means trademark protection has been granted.

Better Homes and Gardens gets the ® notation. Italicize the words when referring to the magazine, but not when referring to the brand.
correct: an article in the May 2004 Better Homes and Gardens®
correct: Better Homes and Gardens® products

To type ™, hit Option 2. To type ®, hit Option r.

Next week, we’ll discuss how to handle non-Meredith trademarks.

For more information on trademarks, see Trademarks section of the SIM Stylebook.

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