SIM/Procedure: SIM manuscripts

January 8, 2004: Issue 73

SIM STYLE: The way we do the things we do
Now that we’re back into the swing of things after the holidays, we continue our focus on SIM routing procedures. Remember to send your questions my way, and I’ll make sure they get addressed in an upcoming issue.

THIS WEEK: Manuscripts
• All manuscripts should route to CEs in story folders. (In a few cases, when nothing more than a hard copy of a Word file is routing, it’s OK to simply attach a routing slip to the printout.)
Why it matters: A story folder helps ensure that the appropriate materials remain together throughout the early editing process. We have, in the past, received stacks of Word printouts, film envelopes, illustrations, etc., all held together by a single paper clip. With the majority of our magazines being sent outside the building for freelance copy editing, do you really want to trust your film to a single paper clip?

• Before routing a manuscript, be sure the correct Word file is clearly labeled in the appropriate folder on the SIM server; its name should match that on the routing slip.

• Attach a completed routing slip to the story folder. Things a story folder should include, where applicable: hard copy of story, film or color copies (or a copy of the photo order if final film is not available), illustrations (or description of illustrations if not done), and floor plans (or a copy of roughs, if final plans are not done).

Things a story folder should not include: red-dot film, original field-editor manuscript (unless there’s a reason to route it with the story).

For more information, see Issue 7274.

GRAMMAR: When do I hyphenate numbers and the words they modify?
A 7-year-old boy is, obviously, 7 years old. A 12-inch-tall plant is, obviously, 12 inches tall. But my point here isn’t to state the obvious; it’s to demonstrate that numbers and the words they modify need only be hyphenated as compound adjectives. When a unit of measure serves as a noun, and the number its adjective, don’t hyphenate.

Tip: Look to the word form for help. Note that in the examples below, “inches” becomes “inch” as part of an adjective; “feet” becomes “foot.”
incorrect: Dig the hole to a depth of 3-inches.
correct:Dig the hole to a depth of 3 inches.
incorrect: Plant the seeds in a 3 inch deep hole.
correct: Plant the seeds in a 3-inch-deep hole. (Notice that the entire compound adjective is hyphenated.)
incorrect: The lot measures 60×100-feet.
correct: The lot measures 60×100 feet.
incorrect: The house sits on a 60×100 foot lot.
correct: The house sits on a 60×100-foot lot.

For more information, see Issue 58.
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