Quotes: Comma outside quotes

September 5, 2002: Issue 34

SIM STYLE: I’m seeing commas outside quotes in gardening stories. Is that correct?
Yes, SIM has changed its style on punctuation with cultivar names to reflect common botanical usage. Periods and commas should now fall OUTSIDE the single quotes used around cultivar names.
incorrect: His sentimental favorite, Sedum ‘Autumn Joy,’ gets a prime spot in the flowerbed.
correct: His sentimental favorite, Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’, gets a prime spot in the flowerbed.

For more information, see Plant Names Style section in the updated Garden Style section of the SIM Stylebook.

GRAMMAR: What’s wrong with the term “centered around”?
A center is a point, and by definition a point can’t surround something. Use “center on” or “revolve around,” but never “center around.”
incorrect: The design was centered around the antique armoire.
correct: The design revolves around the antique armoire.

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