Facebook has clear rules for how to link or refer to its site. The goal is to distinguish between our brands and the Facebook brand.
Don’t use wording that implies a partnership.
incorrect: Check out the KitchenBathIdeas.com Facebook page.
incorrect: Check out our Facebook page.
correct: Check out the KitchenBathIdeas.com page on Facebook.
correct: Find us on Facebook.
Do link our names to our pages.
example: Share your wildlife photos at the Country Garden page on Facebook.
Hyperlink “Country Garden” or “Country Garden page.” (Do not hyperlink “Facebook” unless the link goes to the Facebook log-in page.)
You can also use the “Find us on Facebook” badge to link to our pages. Find it here.
Using the ®
If you use the Facebook logo (the word Facebook spelled out in white letters on a blue background), include ® as it is a registered trademark.
If you reference Facebook in text, cap the word, but do not include ®.
If you use the “Find us on Facebook” badge or the “f” logo (white letter “f” on blue background), there is no need to use ® or ™.
For more information, see: