Copyright year

(Entry added 11/17/16)

For new titles, use the issue’s on-sale date to determine the copyright year. (See the production database to confirm the on-sale date.)
If Mediterranean Homes & Lifestyles 2017 goes on sale Dec. 27, 2016, the copyright year is 2016.
If Skinny Slow Cooker 2017 goes on sale Jan. 3, 2017, the copyright year is 2017.
If Better Homes and Gardens January 2017 goes on sale Dec. 20, 2016, the copyright year is 2016.

For reprints, use the copyright year of the original publication. If content has been added or significantly changed, add a second copyright year according to the new issue’s on-sale date.
If Elegant Homes Sp/Su 2017 is a reprint of Elegant Homes F/W 2015 and there have been no significant changes or new content added, the only copyright year would be 2015.
If Elegant Homes Sp/Su 2017 is a reprint of Elegant Homes F/W 2015 and a new story was added, there would be two copyright years, 2015, 2017, with the second year based on the Elegant Homes Sp/Su 2017 on-sale date of Jan. 10, 2017.


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