Quilts: Numbers

Readers generally find figures easier to understand than word expressions for numbers. Nevertheless, numbers should be spelled out in some instances.

For uses not covered by the listings below, spell out whole numbers between zero and 10; use figures for 10 and above.
He has a fleet of five cars and 10 trucks.
seventh century
18th century
fourth floor
13th floor

Always use figures in Materials lists and Cut Fabrics instructions.

In how-to copy (updated 12/18/19):
• In a series (three or more) of similar things with larger (10 or more) and smaller (single digit) numbers and measurements, use figures for all measurements and for numbers 10 and above, but spell out whole numbers between zero and 10.
Referring to Quilt Assembly Diagram, lay out 10 cream-and-red triangle-squares, 14 cream-and-blue triangle-squares, six gold-and-blue triangle-squares, six gold-and-red triangle-squares, eight cream-and-gold triangle-squares, 16 cream print 3″ squares, two assorted red print 3″ squares, and two assorted blue print 2″ squares in eight rows.
• If figures and measurements are consecutive, spell out two-digit figures but use figures followed by an em dash for three-digit figures. Use figures for all measurements.
Cut A strip sets into seventy-two 2″-wide A segments. Cut B strip sets into 144—2″-wide B segments.

See also:
Figures to represent numbers
Words to represent numbers
Telephone numbers


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